October 15, 2020 - 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Tidewater Community College’s Arts & Humanities Pathway is proud to present a new series of music, visual arts, literary, and theatrical programming that will begin this fall and continue through the 2020-21 academic year. The series is called:
my thoughts. my voice. my art.
College faculty, students, staff, and the community are invited to join us for this free series of college-wide visual and performing arts events that explore themes of diversity, adversity, inequality, social justice, and empowerment during this time of social change. Events will include art exhibits, music and theatrical performances, lecture and panel discussions, poetry slams, and more. Go to tcc.edu/arts or roper.tcc.edu for event registration information beginning this fall.
Maria Nieves, Dr. Gabriela Christie Toletti & the TCC Jazz Ensemble Live Zoom: Join us as we celebrate the Hispanic culture with a poetry reading (in English and Spanish), a tour of Latin American art, and a demonstration of salsa dance with music provided by TCC’s own Jazz Ensemble. This popular Latin dance appeal s to all ethnicities, nationalities, ages, and dance levels.
It’s free! Join us on Zoom!
Meeting ID: 860 2373 1487
Passcode: 23510
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